解读Daydreams Protocol:释放AI Agent在全链游戏中的无限潜力
在接下来一个月内,任何人都可以通过 Daydreams 部署 AI Agent,来游玩 Starknet 上任何基于 Dojo 的全链游戏。
Goplus did not follow the mature To B business route, but differentiated itself by choosing the To C product promotion logic. It used the "360 on the chain" positioning to break the awkward positioning of security companies behind the scenes, turning security from passive to active and making it more inclusive.
The Israeli Securities Authority (ISA) has approved six mutual funds that track the price of Bitcoin, launched by Migdal Capital Markets, More, Ayalon, Phoenix Investment, Meitav and IBI. Fund management fees range from 0.25% to 1.5%, and one of the funds is actively managed with the goal of outperforming Bitcoin. Initially, these funds will only trade once a day, but they may be able to trade continuously in the future.
This article carefully sorts out 30 projects with great potential to help you find new airdrop opportunities.
为纪念这一年的荒唐与辉煌,我们整理了一份 69 个未排名的年度最蠢时刻清单。
在接下来一个月内,任何人都可以通过 Daydreams 部署 AI Agent,来游玩 Starknet 上任何基于 Dojo 的全链游戏。
Murad Mahmudov,作为这一趋势的见证者与分析者,提出了“Meme币超级周期”的概念。在他看来,Meme币不仅仅是一个纯粹的投机工具,而是加密世界中最强有力的用户普及引擎。他深入分析了Meme币成功的关键因素,并详细阐述了如何通过社交媒体和社区力量推动这些项目的成长。
获ai16z创始人Shaw力挺的aiPool与备受市场关注的Spore.fun均是利用Phala Network的TEE技术实现发币,这让上轮牛市中波卡生态活跃项目再次引得社区关注。
从历史高点到近一月低谷,比特币在过去一周经历了过山车行情。就在不到一周前,比特币价格冲破 108,000 美元,创下历史新高,...